11 June 2016


This weeks episode of Cleverman showed us how violent it can be, with a kid's heart being ripped out and a couple of women being executed by shots to the head. The humans are far too violent to the Hairies. Nonetheless, it was a good episode (though I don't what they mean in the theme song by 'take the hair and the body will follow', is it like pulling someone's hair.)
 Koen is Cleverman and it seems he doesn't know what to use his new abilities for. He is still hearing a woman's voice saying the name Cleverman in the indigenous language. A flashback also shows that Koen's brother Waruu didn't treat him so well when they were kids. He goes to see aunt Lynda to ask her why he was chosen but she has no answers for him. She gives him a bag which belonged to his father.
Waruu does not believe he wasn't chosen to be Cleverman, he is not taking it so well and his daughter suspects him of having an affair. He decides to compensate by agreeing to appear in a live debate with the immigration minister, Geoff Matthews, on a news program on Jarrod Slade’s television network. Waruu’s henchman Harry, a shaved-down Hairy, has provided him with some information that the CA is 'disappearing' Hairies and detaining them where no one knows.
The Hairy family is split with only Boondee and Djukara in the blacksite prison in contact with each other. Djukara picks fights with the guards in prison but he has an ulterior motive of memorizing the code to every door in prison. This does not end well because the guards decide to punish his father instead. To humiliate Djukara further, the guards decide to shave all his hair, making him look young and vulnerable.

Latani gets a new friend called Virgil who feeds her pasta and invites her to her room. Virgil makes Latani contacts and an ID card so that she is able to move around without getting into trouble.
Araluen is not having a better time either. She is marched with two other women and inspected by another woman who apparently has to choose one of them. She volunteers to be taken but this saves her life for now but instantly dooms the other women who are immediately shot in the head. She is injected with something which knocks her out. She later wakes up in a strange house with no idea where she was.

Jarrod slade whose wife is having trouble gerring pregnant (and who apparently is building some kind of ark) has other plans for the live debate. He plans to break the news of the boy killed at the beginning of the episode in the during the debate.

 The live debate is Geoff Matthews idea and he uses it to discredit Waruu. Waruu doesn't realise this until its too leaves the building very angry.

The voice in Koen's head gets worse at the end of the episode and Koen has no choice but to track it down. Blair asks to Drive and together, they track the voice to the top floor of some building, where they find the woman, probably being experimented on. They rescue her and take her home.

1 comment:

  1. I heard, "Take the head and the body will follow", which is what brought me here. I'm looking for the name of the artist. In wrestling, one is taught to 'contrlol' the head because whereever the head goes, the body goes.


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